governors provide effective support and challenge to the school
Osted 2024
The Governing Body of Froxfield CE Primary and Pre-School is a key part of our community, and comprises up to 12 full members:
- The Headteacher (ex-officio)
- 2 Foundation Governors
- 2 Parent Governors
- 1 Staff Governor
- 1 Local Authority Governor and
- 5 Co-opted Governors
Governors have reviewed the composition of the governing body and concluded that it was a reasonable reflection of the local community. Governors have agreed to review this annually and, if necessary, attempt to recruit a variety of candidates.
The full Governing Body usually meets twice each term. Together, they consider the school’s ongoing offering for pupils, parents and staff and whether it reflects the Froxfield family’s values and vision and meets key standards. Success stories are identified and built on, while areas for improvement are closely examined.
Governing Body meetings are open for people to attend as observers. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact the Chair via the School Office.
Two governance committees also meet termly, each with a specific area of focus:
- Curriculum & Learning (focusing on curriculum, progress and attainment)
- Resources (focusing on finance, staffing and health & safety)
In addition, a Pay Panel (focusing on salaries) meets as required, usually twice a year, and the Headteacher’s Performance Management Panel also meets twice each year.
Details of Governing Body membership can be found in the Statutory Governor Information (please see ‘downloads’)
Gilly Hollis – Chair of Governors
I moved into Privett four and half years ago from Glasgow and was warmly welcomed into the congregation at St Peters High Cross. As a newcomer I wanted to get involved in and get to know the local community so when there was a place advertised on our church school governing body I thought that perhaps my career background, initially as a Drama Teacher and latterly in running my own training consultancy in a range of key business skills from presentation skills to effective leadership, might be useful. I thoroughly enjoy my role as a governor and relish the chance to support the school – and maybe even make a difference.
Term of Office: 01/11/2019 – 31/10/23
Committees: Curriculum and Learning, Pay
Other Responsibilities: Maths Focus
Register of Interests: Married to a member of Privett Village Hall Committee
Edward Sadler – Vice-chair of Governors
I have been a governor of Froxfield School since 2015. I am a Foundation Governor, which means that I am appointed at the nomination of the parish church (where my wife and I worship), and my responsibility is to ensure that the School maintains its special Christian ethos. I am also the Vice-chair of governors and Chair of the Curriculum & Learning Committee. I live in Privett and London and I am a retired lawyer and judge.
Term of Office: 04/10/2020 – 03/10/24
Committees: Curriculum and Learning (Chair), Data Protection, Pay (Chair), Christian Distinctiveness
Register of Interests: Trustee of Privett Village Hall
David Handley – Co-opted Governor
I have lived in Froxfield for 25 years and am a Co-opted Governor. My qualifications for this stem from my career in the British Foreign Service and then working for a major UK industrial company. I had responsibility for Finance, HR and Strategy at a senior level in both organisations. I have had a number of volunteer roles, primarily with British Red Cross Refugee Services and have been a school governor three times previously. It is a privilege and a pleasure now to be a Governor at Froxfield School where I sit on the Resources and Curriculum and Learning Committees. The contribution we Governors can make is dwarfed by that of the staff and is to provide the framework within which the School and the children can continue to flourish.
Term of Office: 22/11/2018. Reappointed 21/11/2022 – 21/11/2026.
Committees: Curriculum and Learning, Resources
Other Responsibilities: English Focus
Ben Vickery – Co-opted Governor
I have been on the governing body since 2017 as a co-opted governor and involved in the school since 2012 when the first of my three children started at Froxfield with the youngest starting Year R in 2020!
A serving Royal Navy Officer, I chair the Safeguarding & Welfare committee and it is a genuine privilege to get a deeper understanding of the school, our superb teaching staff and of course our incredible “resilient learner” children.
Term of Office: 18/01/2018. Reappointed in 17/01/22 – 17/01/26.
Committees: Safeguarding and Welfare (Chair)
Other Responsibilities: Safeguarding Focus, Child Protection Focus, Looked after Children Focus
Susanna Shepherd – Co-opted Governor
I moved to Froxfield in 2018 and wanting to be more involved in the local community I became a Co Opted Governor in 2019. I sit on the Curriculum and Learning committee and my responsibility is for SEND provision within the school. It is very rewarding to be just a small part of the professional and dedicated team of staff and governors who work so hard to provide the best outcomes for all our children.
Term of Office: 19/11/2019 – 18/11/23
Committees: Curriculum and Learning
Other Responsibilities: SEND Focus, Pupil Premium Focus
Keith Durward – Co-opted Governor
Term of office: First appointed 28/09/2023.
Sue Jones
Term of office: First appointed 04/02/2022. Reappointed 01/05/2022 – 30/04/2026.
Grace Pike – Parent Governor
With my children at Froxfield school and preschool I was keen to support the school when the opportunity arose to apply to become a parent governor. As a research and development scientist, I am used to thinking outside the box, whilst working within tight regulatory requirements, and I wanted to use my analytical skills to help support the fantastic team at Froxfield. As a governor I am currently part of the Resources committee.
Francis Buner – Parent Governor
Vickie Farrow – Head teacher, Governor ex officio
Term of office: 01/09/2013
Francesca Ingham Thomas, Staff Governor
Term of office: 13/09/21 to 12/09/2025