Our approach at Froxfield Pre-school
As with many things in life, observation is often the best way of gathering information without interference. We collect information about your child primarily through watching them at work and play and match this against the Early Years Framework Guidance, which is a good indicator of how children are developing.
We are always delighted when parents share information about their child and want to discuss next steps in their development. We place a high value on our relationships with our families and actively encourage parents to be a part of their child’s learning journey, whilst they are with us. We hold regular open mornings, designed for parents to share in their child’s achievements and also to build a strong partnership.
Our days are full and varied with our children able to take full advantage of a secure garden area. We also make good use of the adjoining fields, with regular adventures in the nearby woodlands.
A day in the life
We recognise that high quality interactions, when children are engaged in self chosen activities, can better scaffold and support learning in the early years and so, we refrain from interrupting play with too many adult directed activities. A typical day will mostly look like this…
Morning Session
9am Children arrive and are greeted by their teacher, they hang their coats up and place their bags in the hallway. They then self-register by placing their name cards onto a registration tree.
Learning through Play
Activities/resources are out for the children to freely access. Staff plan in the moment, following children’s fascinations and interests in order to progress learning and development. The outside space is available for free flow – should the children wish to go out.
10am (ish) Snack time for rumbling tums
Children are able to come and help themselves to a drink of water or milk and a snack (which they regularly help to prepare).
11:45am Key group time
The children come together in their key groups and a group activity will usually take place.
Afternoon Session
12pm Lunch time
The children wash their hands and sit together to have their lunch. Our on-site caterers prepare fresh, nutritious meals and a menu is posted every week.
Learning through Play
Children can engage freely with toys and games allowing staff to observe, share thinking, plan in the moment and understand the child’s individual interests and process. Our outside space provides a safe environment to be free and, if desired, mucky!
2:30pm Group Activity
The children come together and a group activity will take place. We undertake regular story-led yoga sessions, music and movement, dough disco and parachute games.
3pm Home time
Everyone goes home smiling.
Learning at Froxfield Pre-school
Both our indoor and outdoor environments are integral to inspiring and stimulating our little learners’ innate desire to explore so we have filled them with carefully chosen, open-ended resources that invite endless educational opportunities. Where possible, we use authentic or ‘real life’ resources rather than plastic toys, in order to provide a multi-sensory experience – affording a richness to our children’s play.
Learning unfolds naturally through play experiences that have been designed to capture each child’s sense of curiosity, awe and wonder. Our teachers harness teachable moments as they present themselves, using these moments to challenge and extend children’s thinking and learning, thus making learning relevant, meaningful, enjoyable and age appropriate.
There is a particular focus on speech and language development and opportunities to nurture and extend language development are woven into our daily routines. Staff place a high value on promoting a love of reading and our children are able to bump into books throughout the setting.
Our environment has been carefully considered to provoke learning in all areas of the curriculum. We have created a set of aspirations which allow our children to develop into independent, creative and critical thinkers, prepared for when they make the move into formal schooling.
Useful Links
ChatHealth : Hampshire Healthy Families
Children’s language development and parenting advice – BBC Tiny Happy People
Learning to talk | 3 to 5 years | Start for Life (www.nhs.uk)
The staffing ratio is outstanding and the teachers are dedicated and professional
Pre-school Parent