Our approach at Froxfield Primary School
At Froxfield we always put children first; this aim is at the heart of our vision and ethos. We recognise that every child is unique and deserves the opportunity to be happy, feel valued and experience success. If, in future years, our children look back and say that Froxfield School made a positive difference to their lives then we, as professionals and parents, will have succeeded. At Froxfield we offer skilled teaching and high academic standards as well as concentrating on the education of the whole child. Our curriculum is taught through Learning Clusters which provide experiences linked to real life contexts, making links between subjects wherever possible. We seek every opportunity to take learning outside of the classroom, making use of our beautiful grounds. Trips and visits also enhance and contextualise the curriculum for our children.
A day in the life
From 8.30am Children are welcomed onto the playground where they can catch up with friends before the day starts.
8.45am Welcome, register and lunch choices.
9.00am Phonics/Spelling followed by Guided Reading.
9.45am Literacy session based around a quality children’s book and usually linked to the current Learning Cluster.
10.30am Snack and break time.
10.45am Numeracy session
11.40am Story time.
12pm – 1pm Lunch
1pm Golden Mile – we run laps of the field as part of our commitment to ensure children have access to daily exercise.
1.20pm Handwriting
1.30pm Learning Cluster work covering a range of National Curriculum subjects, including music and PE.
2.45pm Collective Worship
3.15pm School day ends.
Sporting provision
At Froxfield, we are proud of our sporting provision. We ensure that every child, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to be actively involved in sport. Physical Education is given high priority within our curriculum and children are encouraged to develop a healthy and positive attitude towards sport, fitness and team games.
Competition is a key element of sport through which children learn sportsmanship and resilience. They learn to appreciate that hard work is at the root of success and that losing is an essential learning tool to enable them to win.
We provide children with regular opportunities to compete in a wide range of sporting activities both within and across schools. It is an honour for children to represent their school at a sporting event and Froxfield children do this with pride, enthusiasm and a healthy competitive spirit.
Music, Dance and Drama
Performance skills are central in the provision of an all-round education for our children. During their time at Froxfield, children are offered a variety of opportunities to perform in front of an audience. These opportunities help children build confidence and enable them to express themselves. From speaking to past pupils, it is clear that their involvement in performance events has not only provided them with lifelong memories but has, in many, ignited a passion that has been taken on to their next stage of education.
All children are given the opportunity to perform throughout the school year at concerts, plays and church services. In addition to this, a variety of external performance opportunities are made available to children. We have strong links with Froxfield Choir, our children performing with them regularly; children participate in The Petersfield Music Festival each year and, last year, children from Froxfield were invited to perform ‘Mozart in the Making’ at The Grange Festival.
I like the way the children integrate across the year groups and particularly how the older ones support the younger ones
Year 5 Parent