

When a place has been offered to your child, you will be invited to attend a meeting for new parents to find out more about the arrangements for admission. The Head Teacher and Class Teacher will also provide you with more details about starting school by providing you with an induction pack.

The children will be invited to the school for pre-arranged visits during the second half of the summer term to get to know each other and their teacher. Our Reception teacher and Early Years Assistant will also visit the children at nursery and offer to visit each child in their own home during the first two weeks of the Autumn Term.

Children will start school at the beginning of the academic year in which they are five.

For children joining the school in Year groups other than Year R the Head Teacher will discuss the induction arrangements on an individual basis.

Transition into pre-school
The transition from home to pre-school can be a major milestone and is a process that will usually occur over a period of time. We recommend settling in sessions which help to bridge the gap between home and pre-school. Enabling your child to feel safe and happy in our setting and allowing them time to begin to form attachments with their key person can prevent unnecessary disquiet. Usually, this process consists of a series of accompanied visits to pre-school, which will gradually increase in length.